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Gold Quality Performance Level Now Available!

Starting from 1 September 2021, all Silver certified companies can be awarded with the highest, Gold level certificate. The Gold level is fully launched on-time after the one year test period that started in September 2020.

The Gold Quality Performance Level will be the IRIS Certification scheme’s most prestigious designation, requiring excellent scores on IRIS Certification audits. Businesses wishing to achieve it will also need superlative direct feedback from customers and approval from the IRQB Gold Committee.

It is important to note that companies who currently hold a Bronze level certification are unable to be awarded the Gold level directly but need to first obtain the Silver quality performance level.

By launching the Gold level, the IRIS Management Centre has now made all quality performance levels fully available to audited companies. Higher quality performance level allows companies to demonstrate their commitment to quality that helps to improve the competitiveness of the sector benefiting the whole supply chain. Quality performance levels are displayed in the IRIS portal allowing companies to take advantage of the visibility and trust from customers that comes with the higher quality performance level. Higher quality also enhances customer satisfaction and improves the efficiency of rail businesses.

For more detailed overview of this new quality performance level, please visit the IRIS Portal.




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