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Transfer of processes in IRIS Certification

A “transfer” is defined in ISO/DIS 22163 as “complete or partial handover of processes to an internal site (multi-site organizations) or an external organisation”, but its application is not always correctly implemented.

During this process, ownership remains with the ordering party. Responsibility for the process ownership, work content, risks, opportunities, performance indicators and requirements for resources is also theirs. It is a preventive approach intended to cover an upcoming transfer. Even if the organisation in question has not handed over a process until now, it might become necessary due to capacity shortages, development opportunities, technology evolutions or desired future cost savings attempts.

If not correctly carried out, minor adaptions not reflected in the working documents – but applied in daily operations – can become crucial. This is why all process parameters must be documented and transferred to the contracting site even if they are taken for granted. This includes national technical standard operations. If, for example, a process is transferred and different measurement tools are used, it can lead to different outputs and irritations for the customers.

According to ISO/DIS 22163, and to ensure a proper transfer, the organisation must establish, implement and maintain a planning process for the transfer of processes. It must be explicitly linked to business planning (4.1.1), business continuity (6.1.4), production and service provision (8.5), design and development of products and services (8.3) related decisions.

A successful transfer process will include a:

  1. Feasibility study

e.g., capacity at contracting site, competence of staff, availability of infrastructure at contracting site, re-homologation or re-validation

  1. Risk assessment (see 6.1)

e.g., contractual requirements of the final customer, local content requirements, potential minor product deviations

  1. Planning of required actions for transfer

e.g., training of staff at ordering site, procurement of tooling, material provision, delivery continuity as per contract

  1. Communication to customers when required

e.g., early information, regular communication, regular common updating of a transfer plan

  1. First Article Inspection (FAI) (see 8.9)

e.g., in case of transfer of production process, accompanied by the final customer to create trust in the transfer

  1. Retention of documented information from transfer activities

e.g., working documents can be shared to have common checking items, transfer plan

It is a good practice to inform the customer of planned processes transfers as early as possible to align next steps. This can allow for the creation of, for instance, an agreed transfer checklist that considers all essential elements of a smooth transition.

These transfer processes are hugely detrimental to product quality if they are not properly managed and paid special attention when occurring within a corporation.

These endeavours should not be mixed up with the outsourcing process, which is covered in ISO/TS 22163 chapter 8.4 for EPPPS.




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